Social Media Services

Be social everywhere!

An estimated total of 200 million Americans is on SOCIAL MEDIA daily. Stay top of mind with your community and potential consumers by implementing social media strategies that will increase your ROI.

Social Media is making it easier than ever to connect with your clients directly.

When executed with strategy and the end-user in mind, social media marketing can bring instant ROI. You do not need a large team but you do need a team that specializes in social media marketing and management of various platforms. Our team is ready to help your business succeed on all Social Media Platforms. Integrate messenger on your website and receive real-time notifications from potential customers via text or email.

Boost Your Local Business with Social Media.

Social Media has become a bit overwhelming to manage in recent years. With all the platforms available, which are the best platforms to use for your local business? We can identify where your target audience spends most of their time and build your social media brand on the platforms where your consumers are.


  • Posts With a Location Get 79% More Engagement.
  • 7 out of 10 Hashtags on Instagram Are Branded.
  • Photos With Faces Get 38% More Likes.
  • Posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement.
  • Instagram Users Engage More on Weekdays with Tuesday and Thursday showing most engagement.
  • 50% of Instagram Captions & Comments Contain Emojis.
  • Instagram videos get 2 times the engagement of photos than any other social media platform.
  • The most popular hashtags on Instagram are #Love, #Instagood, #Me, #Cute, and #Follow.
  • *Published by OmniCore
Facebook Icon


Facebook remains the most powerful social media platform around the globe. It works great for driving traffic to landing pages where you can convert visitors into leads or customers by revealing attractive offers with sponsored ads. We know that Facebook is best for B2C, however, it has been proven powerful for B2B as well.

Facebook is the largest social media network on the planet with over 2 billion monthly active users and almost 70% of those users visit Facebook every single day. Facebook’s user demographics are also very diverse, making it suitable to reach most audiences.

We think that Facebook should always be included in your social business strategy. Facebook is a great place to advertise local services and products because you can cross-promote them on Instagram, making it easy to remain top of mind in your local community. Our team has managed Social Media Platforms since 2011 and has the experience to drive qualified traffic to your local business. Get Started Today

Instagram is one of the best advertising and social media marketing platforms there is.


Instagram is quickly growing and recently passed one billion monthly users. Though that’s only half of Facebook’s 2 billion users, their ads prove to have a much higher engagement rate. It’s not just the millennials using Instagram either. The X-ers and Baby- Boomers are quickly catching up.

The ability to cross-post and cross-promote on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumbler are perfect for local businesses. You can promote your services. products and even connect a shop online app to your Instagram account. It is a great tool to use at your business location.

How much hashtagging is recommended on Instagram? Well, according to the latest online news by Hootsuite you can add up to 30 hashtags on any given post and up to 10 in Story. Hashtagging your bio is acceptable as long as the hashtags make sense and are related to what you are trying to promote.

twitter is one of the most important Social Media Marketing tools


Twitter’s Micro-Blogging Service should not be ignored. #Createyourtwitterhandle

As of the third quarter of 2018, Twitter’s microblogging service averaged 326 million monthly active users. Twitter is a social media networking and microblogging service, enabling registered users to read and post short messages, so-called tweets.

According to Hootsuite, (Hootsuite is the world’s largest Social Media Management Platform) Twitter is one of the most important social networking sites for small and large businesses in the U.lS. If your brand’s social marketing strategy involves this mighty microblogging network in any way, it’ll be important to get familiar with Twitter’s demographics.

If you’re not on Twitter yet, consider this: Twitter serves more than 2 billion search queries a day. Ninety-three percent of people who follow small- and medium-sized businesses on Twitter plans to purchase from the brands they follow. Sixty-nine percent have already purchased from a local business because of something they saw on the network.

Twitter is also an important platform for customer service. Eighty-five percent of SMB Twitter users say it’s important for businesses to provide customer service using the network. Allow us to set up and manage Twitter for you.

LinkedIn Icon


LinkedIn is the largest and most effective business-to-business networking platform in the US with approximately 60 million active monthly users in the states.

LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B since the network’s user base is mostly professional.

Did you know that the founder and CEO of YEXT – Howard Lerman is the same man that co-founded LinkedIn? 

They also have higher earning potential according to Omnicore Agency 44% of LinkedIn users clear $75,000 or more per year. New Member Growth 1 per every 2 seconds. There are 87 million millennials on LinkedIn with 11 million in decision-making positions. Though we manage all Social Media Platforms, LinkedIn is one of our favorites to build and grow. Did you know LinkedIn now excepts # on their platform too? We love it! In addition, Linkedin posts are easily connected to your professional Twitter account for cross-posting and cross-promoting opportunities. Keep in mind you only have 140 characters for Twitter posts. You might want to post on Twitter separately for that reason.

Lets work together!

Creating Social Media Strategies for Local Business Owners

Being able to take a small business to the top without breaking the bank is not an art, it is simply teamwork. We love creating effective strategies for local companies in and around Atlanta.

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